Disney Musicals in Schools Program

Disney Musicals in Schools is an outreach initiative of Dr. Phillips Center that develops sustainable musical theater programs in Orange, Osceola and Seminole county public elementary schools.


Using the unique world of musical theater, Disney Musicals in Schools helps to foster positive relationships between students, faculty, staff, parents and the community. Students and teachers work in teams, developing the wide spectrum of skills needed when producing a piece of musical theater, including: critical thinking, problem solving, ensemble building, communication, self-confidence and interpersonal skills.


The Disney Musicals in Schools program is an outreach initiative developed by Disney Theatrical Group to create sustainable theater programs in elementary schools. The program was launched in 2010 in response to Disney Theatrical Group’s concern that under-resourced public elementary schools were not afforded equitable access to the arts. After successfully offering the program in New York City schools, Disney Theatrical Group began partnering with organizations in other communities across the United States.

Our Partnership

In the 2016–2017 school year, Dr. Phillips Center rolled out our first year of this partnership with four schools from Orange, Osceola and Seminole Counties: Bonneville Elementary School, Winegard Elementary School, Kissimmee Elementary School and Lake Orienta Elementary School. At no cost to them, the selected schools participated in a 17-week musical theater residency, led by a team of teaching artists trained by the School of the Arts and Disney Theatrical Group. Each school received guidance from the teaching artists, performance rights and education support materials.

With a professional development focus, participating school teachers partner with Dr. Phillips Center teaching artists to learn how to produce, direct, choreograph and music direct their first school show. The program culminates in a 30-minute Disney KIDS musical at each school. As a capstone to the experience, Dr. Phillips Center hosted a Student Share Celebration where schools performed one number from their show on our professional Broadway stage, the Walt Disney Theater, for an audience of students, teachers, family, and community members.

24/25 School Year

Castle Creek Elementary School, Orange County
Catalina Elementary School, Orange County
Highlands Elementary School, Seminole County
Lake Gem Elementary School, Orange County
Michigan Avenue Elementary School, Osceola County
Spring Lake Elementary School, Orange County

23/24 School Year

Idyllwilde Elementary, Seminole County
Lakeview Elementary, Osceola County
Lake Silver Elementray, Orange County
Oak Hill Elementary, Orange County
Riverside Elementary, Orange County

22/23 School Year

Engelwood Elementary School, Orange County
Flora Ridge Elementary School, Osceola County
Pineloch Elementary School, Orange County
Sally Ride Elementary School, Orange County
Union Park Elementary School, Orange County

19/20 & 20/21 School Years

Dover Shores Elementary, Orange County
Little River Elementary, Orange County
Michigan Avenue Elementary, Osceola County
Neptune Elementary, Osceola County
Partin Settlement Elementary, Osceola County

18/19 School Year

Ridgewood Park Elementary, Orange County
Lovell Elementary, Orange County
Highlands Elementary, Osceola County
Central Avenue Elementary, Osceola County
Forest City Elementary, Seminole County

17/18 School Year

Kaley Lake Como Elementary, Orange County
OCPS Academic Center for Excellence, Orange County
Pleasant Hill Elementary, Osceola County
Wicklow Elementary, Seminole County

16/17 School Year

Bonneville Elementary, Orange County
Kissimmee Elementary, Osceola County
Lake Orienta Elementary, Seminole County
Winegard Elementary, Orange County